Tasks Tab


The Tasks tab allows you to view a more granular list of your submitted tasks, filterable by status, project, and batch.



It is possible your task filters will hide all tasks. Please check your task filters carefully!

Task Filters

You can search through your tasks using the following filters:


1. Project name: Please select the project from the bar on the left

2. Live Tasks / Test Tasks: Test tasks are used to testing purposes and live tasks are used for labeling. This environment is accessible through our API using the associated API keys (Test_xxx, Live_xxx)

3. Tasks completed/created in range : Select the task completion or creation date range

  • Note: You are able to select UTC Time, Pacific Time, or Local Time

4. Task Status

  • You can also filter based on the task status. Here are the following status options:
    • Completed - Tasks that have been completed by our taskers
    • In Progress - Tasks that are being worked on by our taskers
    • Queued - Tasks that have not been worked on yet
    • Error - Tasks that have errors.
    • Canceled - Tasks that have been cancelled by our customers
    • Redo - Tasks that have been re-done by Scale
      * Note: Redone tasks date ranges can be filtered by their original completion date using
      the "First completed" toggle or the classic completion filter using "Last completed"

5. Audit Status

  • Filter based on the customer audit status:
    • Read to Audit (Tasks that have not been audited yet)
    • Accepted
    • Fixed
    • Rejected

6. Batch name: Batches are an optional way to organize and name tasks.


In Progress vs. Queued

You can only cancel tasks that are Queued.

Please do not cancel tasks that are In Progress. These tasks are already being worked on. Cancelling these tasks may result in a charge to compensate for the existing work.

Exporting JSON

There are two ways for exporting JSON
1. Export JSON for all Tasks

  • Click on the Export button at the top of the Tasks page

Please note that there is a 1,000 task limit. If you want to download more, please use our API instead.

2. Export JSON for each Task Individually

  • Click on each task and then click on the Download JSON button

Task Details

1. Task Preview

  • To preview the media asset file, please click into task and hover over the image tile. Please note that you can only preview the original image for pending tasks and annotated images for completed tasks.
  • For 3D tasks, you can preview the point cloud file by clicking on “Debug Task” or “Audit Task” (this is for completed tasks only)

2. Instructions

  • To view the instructions for the task, please click into the task and navigate to the “Instructions” button


  • To view the JSON file for each task individually, please click into the task and navigate to the “Download JSON" button. Please note that this will only return the JSON file for the original task upload
  • You can also export all JSON for all tasks using the "Export JSON" button


Note: this will only export 1000 tasks. If you want to export more, you must use the task API endpoint.

4. Callback body

  • To view the JSON file for completed tasks, please click into the task and navigate to the “Callback Body” button. If you want to resend the callback, you can click on the “Resend Callback” button

Audit Tasks

To audit tasks, please navigate to the “Quality” tab. This will allow you to generate a random sample of completed tasks that you can review. In this view you can:

  • Accept - This will signal that we have completed the task to your quality standards
  • Fix - If you want to make an immediately update to your callback response, you can fix tasks directly
    • previous responses will be saved in the prior_reponse field of the callback body and the response field will be updated with the updated response.
  • Reject - This will signal that we have not met your quality standards.

To learn more about this workflow, please see our best practices here.

Cancel Tasks

You can only cancel tasks via the API - you can learn more about this endpoint here.


You can only cancel tasks that are Queued.

Please do not cancel tasks that are In Progress. These tasks are already being worked on. Cancelling these tasks may result in a charge to compensate for the existing work.

Note: Completed tasks cannot be cancelled.

Updated 4 years ago